As an Admin, you will have the ability to control user permissions and assign roles accordingly. Below is a description of the roles within the tealbook and the permissions associated with each role.
Setting Roles
Roles determine the access each user has to functionality in tealbook.
- Buyer: Search for suppliers, view supplier profiles, create notes, follow, tag, and connect.
- Buyer RFI Approver: Approve the suppliers that will be invited to RFIs and manage RFIs
that they did not create. - Buyer Admin: Manage user roles and user data to control user access.
- Buyer Data Admin: Manage buyer entered corporate settings and data. Data admins
receive an email whenever a new person from their organization joins tealbook. - Buyer Data Export: Access tools to export corporate data from tealbook.
- Supplier: Can use the Supplier Application to manage your company's profile and
respond to RFIs. - Supplier Admin: Manage user roles and user data to control user access.
- Organization Admin (Internal): Used by the development team only.
- Server Admin (internal): Used by the development team only.
- Client Concierge: Provides concierge access to the client account.
- Supplier Concierge: Provides concierge access to the supplier account.
- Partner: Provides access to client accounts for designated partner organizations so they can support their clients.
Users with the Buyer Admin or Supplier Admin role can set the roles available to a user by:
- Open the user's individual profile.
- Click the Edit User Roles button.
- Use the checkboxes to select the roles to apply. Each role has a description of the capability provides next to it.
The Users admin area allows the Supplier Admin to manage the access of their personnel to tealbook. It shows the list of all users that tealbook has for the company.
- Name: Shows the first and last name of the user
- Email: Email address of the user.
- Last Login: The date and time when the user last logged into tealbook or the word Never
if they have never logged in. - Status: The status of the user:
- Normal: They are a normal, active user.
- Registered: They have been registered as a user but never signed in.
- Blocked: They have been blocked from logging into tealbook.
- Roles: This is the list of security roles the user has been assigned.
- Actions: These are actions the administrator can take relative to the user.
Blocking a User
To block a user:
- Open the Individual Profile for the user, either from the Contact List or the Admin->Users list
- Click on the Block User button beneath the list of Current Roles
- Confirm that you want to Block the user.
Once a user has been blocked:
- The blocked user cannot log into tealbook
- No one in tealbook can initiate a Chat with a blocked user
- The blocked user cannot be connected to
- The blocked user cannot be added to the Supplier Profile page as a contact.
Unblocking a User
To unblock a user:
- Open the Individual Profile for the user, either from the Contact List or the Admin->Users list
- Click on the Unblock User button beneath the list of Current Roles
- Confirm that you want to Unblock the user.
Once a user has been unblocked:
- The user can log into tealbook
- Users can initiate a chat with the user
- The user can be connected to
- The user can be added to the Supplier Profile page as a contact.
Deleting a User
This removes all links and relationships from that user to suppliers. Normally an administrator would Block the user so that history could be kept but the user could no longer access the application. Users should only be deleted if they have been added in error and/or had no activity in tealbook such as tagging, following, connecting, creating notes, ratings, uploads, or RFIs. Otherwise, the user should be blocked, not deleted. When a user has deleted all their history of interactions is lost to the organization.
To delete a user:
- Open the Admin->Users list
- Click the ... next to the user
- Select Delete
- Confirm
And that's it! Please stay tuned to new updates as Tealbook continues to enhance and add additional user roles and permissions. If you don't see a particular role or set of permissions, please reach out to your point of contact at tealbook.
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9:00 AM to 9:00 PM, Monday to Friday
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