The Insight page for suppliers provides market intelligence on how the supplier is perceived. For each insight section, the supplier receives basic information at no cost. Premium suppliers receive additional details.
Profile Completeness
The Profile Completeness score reflects how much information the supplier has provided on their public profile. It also provides hints on how to improve your score.
Company Profile Statistics
The basic statistics are the number of profile views for the supplier, the appearances in search of the supplier record, and when the profile was last viewed.
The premium features include timelines for views and a comparison of how often the supplier is found relative to similar suppliers.
Search Popularity
The Search Popularity section shows how often the supplier was found based on keywords and a word map of what those keywords were. The larger the word in the word map, the more frequently that word was used to find the supplier.
Customer Endorsed Offerings/ Differentiators
These are the offerings that customers have endorsed the supplier for. The teal tags are shared on the supplier profile. The grey tags are only visible to the customers who added that endorsement.
Customers on tealbook
This section located on the side panel provides information about the supplier’s active customers on tealbook.
It provides details on:
- Connections: Number of companies that have connected to the supplier. Premium provides access to the list of companies that connected, the people who created connections, and the employees at the supplier who were connected to. This information is only made available for connections that were not marked private.
- Followers: Provides the count of how many people are following the supplier. Premium provides a breakdown of the anonymized companies.
- Customer Relationship: Lists the customers that identified the supplier as preferred or an existing supplier. Provides a link that allows the supplier to request the right to share this relationship publicly.
Getting Customer Verification on the Insight Page
To get a customer who has identified you as an existing supplier to verify their relationship:
- Open the insight tab.
- In the section titled Customers who identify you as an existing supplier, click the Get Verified button next to the Customer’s name.
Fill in the name and email for a contact at the customer. You can also customize the message they will receive.
- Click Send.
The customer contact will receive an email requesting confirmation. Until they confirm, the status of the customer verification will be Pending.
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9:00 AM to 9:00 PM, Monday to Friday
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