The Diversity Report insight page allows you to see a breakdown of your organization’s spend with small and/or diverse suppliers. The spend is presented in three categories: qualified, potential and disqualified. One of the factors deciding whether spend is qualified or potential is certificate expiry dates. In this article, we will explain the rules around expiry dates in TealBook and provide some examples of the correlation between expiry dates and reporting periods.
All Diversity certificates in TealBook have expiry dates attached to them. We use the date provided by the certifying agency, or if a date is not provided, we set the expiry date as one year from the date we extract the data. You can find the expiry date in the diversity report, under Spend Details, or in any supplier profile that has a certificate, under Qualifications.
As a general rule, a certificate that has been expired more than 365 days from today’s date will not be part of the diversity report. A certificate that has been expired less than 365 days and that expired during or after the period you are reporting on, will be part of your organization’s qualified spend. A certificate that has been expired less than 365 days and that expired before the period you are reporting on, will be part of your organization’s potential spend.
Note that whether a certificate is part of qualified or potential spend is not determined by individual spend dates, but rather by the whole reporting period.
Let us have a look at a few different scenarios to see how certificate expiry dates determine whether your spend is part of your qualified or potential spend.
Scenario A – Certificate has been expired MORE THAN 365 DAYS
- Today’s date: March 1, 2022
- Certificate expiry date: February 15, 2021
- Spend date: August 15, 2021
- Reporting period: Q2–Q3 2021
When a certificate has been expired more than 365 days, the spend will not be part of your organization’s diversity report.
Scenario B – Certificate expires DURING the reporting period
- Today’s date: March 1, 2022
- Certificate expiry date: July 15, 2021
- Spend date: September 15, 2021
- Reporting period: Q2–Q3 2021
When a certificate expires during the reporting period and has been expired less than 365 days, the spend you are reporting on will be part of your organization’s qualified spend.
Scenario C – Certificate expires AFTER the reporting period
- Today’s date: March 1, 2022
- Certificate expiry date: November 15, 2021
- Spend date: August 15, 2021
- Reporting period: Q2–Q3 2021
When a certificate expires after the reporting period and has been expired less than 365 days, the spend you are reporting on will be part of your organization’s qualified spend.
Finally, it is worth noting that certificates are kept in the TealBook supplier profile for five years after expiry. This allows an opportunity for supplier outreach, where suppliers are encouraged to update their certifications.
Note: Certificate refreshes are completed on a quarterly basis.
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