The Diversity Report (Insights) article explains how the Diversity Report works, and how it lets you see the amount of spend your organization has with small and/or diverse businesses over a time period.
A new feature has been added to the Diversity Report: You can now save reports and compare them, two at a time.
When you use this new feature, you will be able to:
- Save a diversity report with a unique name for future retrieval. The report will include all data, qualification rules, and the time period you have selected.
- See and review all previously saved diversity reports.
- Compare two saved reports, highlighting changes in spend, qualification rules, and certificate data.
Let us have a look at how the functionality works.
To get started, click the Insight tab at the top of your screen, and then the Diversity Report tab.
Select the time period you would like to save a report from, and apply qualification rules. The time period can be a quarter or up to a year, and go back as far as the previous calendar year (e.g., if today’s date is September 15, the time period could be Q1-Q4 last year). Save the report by clicking the Save Report button.
You will now be prompted to select a name for the report.
You can find all your saved reports under the Saved Reports tab near the top of the screen. When you open one of the reports, you will see your total diverse spend, as well as the total Qualified, Potential and Disqualified spend. You can also find your diverse spend by certificate type.
To compare reports, select the two you would like to compare and click “Compare.”
You will now be directed to a page that compares your diverse spend in the two reporting periods. It provides the information you saw in the individual Diversity Reports, as well as a new Shift column on the right side of the screen. The Shift column tells you how your diverse spend has changed between the two reporting periods.
In addition to any change in your Qualified, Potential and Disqualified spend, you can see any change that has occurred in a particular certificate type (e.g., SBE) by expanding that type. Within the certificate there are two new columns, one showing the current status and one showing any change that has occurred from one report to the next.
Finally, if you would like to delete any of your saved diversity reports, you may do so by selecting the file and clicking Delete.
Please keep in mind that in order to generate a diversity report and take advantage of this new functionality, you need to have the diversity offering as part of your TealBook subscription.
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