If you believe that a the company has been incorrectly granted a diverse or small business qualification and would like to disqualify them from your diversity reports, you can use the Verify feature within the Diversity Report tab to make sure that your spend with them is not included in your reports.
There are cases when suppliers are automatically granted diverse or small business certifications. This can be because the supplier is associated with another supplier with the same diversity certifications.
To disqualify these suppliers:
From your Buyer portal, click Insights on the navigation bar.
Click the Diversity Report tab.
Scroll down to the Spend Details table.
Locate the supplier whose spend details you would like to disqualify.
In the Verified column, click the text Can you verify this? next to the type of diversity certificate that you would like to disqualify the company from.
In the pop-up window, select No, it is not.
You can also add a note to explain why you are disqualifying the supplier. - Click OK.
If a supplier has multiple diversity certificates, repeat the above steps for each diversity qualification that you would like to disqualify them from.
Note: When you disqualify a supplier's diversity status, the change will affect all your future diversity reports. Your spend with the supplier for the specific diversity category that you removed will no longer be included in your diversity reports.
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