When you accept an invite to Tier 2 Diversity reporting from a customer, you can either upload a spend file for each quarter or manually enter your total spend for each diversity category within each quarter.
If you choose to upload a spend file, the data that you upload goes through the following process:
The suppliers in the uploaded file are matched with supplier profiles on TealBook.
The spend amount for each supplier is summed up.
The mapped suppliers are displayed in the Review Mapping table where you can check to make sure that your suppliers are matched to the correct supplier profile on TealBook.
If the supplier is certified in any diversity category, the total spend on that supplier is added to the diversity category that they qualify for.
Note: If the supplier qualifies for more than one diversity category, the spend amount on that supplier counts towards each applicable diversity category. -
When you’ve reviewed and confirmed mapping of each supplier and click the Publish button, the spend amounts you've published becomes available to you allocate to your buyers.
The amounts you’ve published are only visible to you. You may allocate percentages from the published data to your customer but this information will not be visible to them until you click the Share button after entering allocation percentages in the Share tab. -
When you allocate diverse spend amounts to a buyer and click the Share button, your allocation amounts will be shared to your buyer and you will be shown a preview of the data that you are sharing.
Your Tier 2 diverse spend allocations will be shown as part of the buyer's Tier 2 Diversity Report.
All data in the Load tab of the Diversity portal is only visible to you. The spend data you upload, including supplier names, contact information, domain names, or any other information in the file is never shared with any organization.
The Tier 2 Diversity Guide includes the following articles:
What is Tier 2 Diversity reporting
Accepting invitations to Tier 2 Diversity reporting
Uploading full spend data for Tier 2 Diversity reporting
Entering aggregate spend for Tier 2 Diversity reporting
Reviewing and editing supplier mapping for Tier 2 Diversity reporting
Publishing spend data for Tier 2 Diversity reporting
Allocating and sharing Tier 2 diverse spend to customers
Linking published indirect Tier 2 diverse spend to multiple buyers
What happens to the data uploaded for Tier 2 Diversity reporting — you are here
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