TealBook’s Tier 2 Diversity solution encourages strategic partnerships between buyers and suppliers in their efforts to boost their supplier diversity programs. It takes traditional diversity reporting a level deeper by examining the suppliers' spend and enabling suppliers to allocate percentages of their diverse spend to their buyers.
If you’ve been invited to participate in Tier 2 Diversity reporting, the Diversity menu item will become available on the navigation bar in your Supplier portal. Within the Diversity tab, you’ll be able to securely add your spend per quarter either by uploading your spend file or entering your spend amounts per diversity category, and allocate portions of your diverse spend to your buyers.
The Diversity tab for suppliers also includes a diversity report feature where you can see an overview of your diverse spend based on the spend data you’ve entered or uploaded.
To accept invitations from customers:
Click Diversity on the navigation bar.
Scroll down and navigate to the Invitation tab.
All buyers who invited your organization to participate in Tier 2 Diversity reporting will appear in this tab. -
Click the Accept button next to the name of the buyer whose invitation you’d like to accept.
When you accept an invitation, the status of the invitation in the buyer’s portal will be changed from Invited to Accepted.
Once you’ve accepted an invitation from a buyer, navigate to the Load tab to begin adding your supplier spend.
The Tier 2 Diversity Guide includes the following articles:
What is Tier 2 Diversity reporting
Accepting invitations to Tier 2 Diversity reporting — you are here
Uploading full spend data for Tier 2 Diversity reporting
Entering aggregate spend for Tier 2 Diversity reporting
Reviewing and editing supplier mapping for Tier 2 Diversity reporting
Publishing spend data for Tier 2 Diversity reporting
Allocating and sharing Tier 2 diverse spend to customers
Linking published indirect Tier 2 diverse spend to multiple buyers
What happens to the data uploaded for Tier 2 Diversity reporting
Effective January 2nd 2025, our Support Team will be available to assist you during the following hours:
9:00 AM to 9:00 PM, Monday to Friday
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