If you’ve been invited to participate in Tier 2 Diversity reporting, start by accepting your customer’s invitation, then add your spend data by either uploading your diverse spend file or entering your aggregate spend for the quarter.
If you to uploaded a spend file, review your supplier mapping to ensure that all suppliers are matched with the correct supplier profiles on TealBook. When you’re confident with the supplier mapping, then your diverse spend report is ready to be published.
When you publish your spend data, TealBook creates a summary of your diverse spend and makes it available only to you in the Share tab as well as the Your Diverse Spend tab. This does not mean that your information is shared with anyone yet. It simply means that the published spend is added to your diverse spend report and is available to be allocated as Tier 2 diverse spend to your buyers.
Your spend data does not get shared to your buyer until you allocate amounts and click the Share button within the Share tab.
Publishing spend file data
When you’re confident with your spend file's supplier mapping, you may publish your spend report by clicking the Publish button next to the uploaded file.
Our system will process your mapped supplier data and create a summary of your total spend per diversity category for the specified calendar quarter.
The summary will be published in the Share tab and will be available to you the following business day.
Once your spend data is published, the file status will be changed to Published.
Publishing your aggregate spend data
If you entered aggregate spend, your spend will automatically be published to the Share and Your Diverse Spend tabs when you click the Save button.
The Tier 2 Diversity Guide includes the following articles:
What is Tier 2 Diversity reporting
Accepting invitations to Tier 2 Diversity reporting
Uploading spend data for Tier 2 Diversity reporting
Entering aggregate spend amounts for Tier 2 Diversity reporting
Reviewing and editing supplier mapping for Tier 2 Diversity reporting
Publishing spend data for Tier 2 Diversity reporting – you are here
Allocating and sharing Tier 2 diverse spend to customers
Linking published indirect Tier 2 diverse spend to multiple buyers
What happens to the data uploaded for Tier 2 Diversity reporting
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