If you've received an invitation to Tier 2 Diversity reporting, start by accepting your customer's invitation then, add your spend data by either uploading a spend file or entering your aggregate spend amounts per quarter.
Your spend data, whether uploaded or manually entered, are displayed in the Diversity spend information section within the Load tab. Data in this section is grouped based on the calendar quarter for which the spend information is added. Aggregate data that you've entered are automatically published when you click Save. Spend files that you've uploaded should be reviewed for accurate mapping before they can be published for buyer allocation. The Diversity spend information section is where you can view and edit the supplier mapping on your spend files and publish your spend file data for buyer allocation.
When you successfully upload a spend file, that file will appear in this section within the appropriate tab with the status Processing. This means that our system is attempting to match the suppliers in your spend file with supplier profiles on TealBook. This process can take between 5 to 60 minutes.
When the file’s status changes to Complete, click View to view and edit the supplier mapping. You will be directed to Review Mapping window where you’ll see the list of suppliers from your spend file along with their diversity qualification, your spend amount, and the supplier profile matching status.
If the supplier's mapping status is Not Found, click the pencil icon to manually map your supplier with their TealBook supplier profile.
If the supplier’s mapping status is Found and you wish to verify that the mapping is correct, click the pencil icon to review and verify supplier mapping.
Mapping suppliers with Not Found status
The supplier mapping status will display Not Found if our system doesn’t find a supplier profile within TealBook that matches a supplier in your spend file. This can occur when there are typos in the required column field entries in the spend file.
To map these suppliers with the correct TealBook supplier profile:
Click the pencil icon next to the supplier name in the Review mapping table.
In the pop-up window, type the company name and either the company’s website or the contact person’s email address.
This allows our system to search for the company based on the company’s website or the domain name in the contact person’s email address. -
Click Find.
In the next window, select the correct supplier.
If the correct supplier is not listed, click None of the above to try searching for the supplier again. - Click Remap.
After a successful remapping, the status of the supplier in the Review Mapping table will change to Found. Repeat these steps for each item displaying Not Found status.
Verifying matched suppliers
In rare cases, a supplier may be matched with the incorrect TealBook supplier profile. To review and verify that the suppliers are mapped correctly:
Click the View to open the Review Mapping window of your spend file.
In the Review mapping table, click the pencil icon to review and edit the supplier mapping.
In the popup window, verify that the supplier in the spend file is matched with the correct supplier profile.
If the supplier is mapped correctly, click Cancel to close the pop-up window.
If the supplier is mapped incorrectly, click the correct supplier in the list of possible matches.
When you’re finished, click Remap to update the supplier mapping.
When you're confident with your file's supplier mapping, you may publish the file for supplier allocation.
The Tier 2 Diversity Guide includes the following articles:
What is Tier 2 Diversity reporting
Accepting invitations to Tier 2 Diversity reporting
Uploading full spend data for Tier 2 Diversity reporting
Entering aggregate spend for Tier 2 Diversity reporting
Reviewing and editing supplier mapping for Tier 2 Diversity reporting — you are here
Publishing spend data for Tier 2 Diversity reporting
Allocating and sharing Tier 2 diverse spend to customers
Linking published indirect Tier 2 diverse spend to multiple buyers
What happens to the data uploaded for Tier 2 Diversity reporting
Effective January 2nd 2025, our Support Team will be available to assist you during the following hours:
9:00 AM to 9:00 PM, Monday to Friday
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