The Sustainability Report is a TealBook feature that allows organizations to delve deeper and better understand the impacts of their supply chain on their corporate environmental, social, and governance (ESG) performance. This feature evaluates suppliers' ESG qualifications and sustainability efforts. TealBook's Sustainability Report puts buyers' spend data to work, providing greater insight into organizations' ESG performance and empowering buyers to make procurement decisions that align with their ESG goals.
The sustainability report can be access through the Buyer portal by clicking Insight on the navigation bar and selecting theSustainability Report tab.
The Sustainability Survey Overview page within the Sustainability Report tab includes data from the sustainability survey and presents both aggregate and detailed information to give you a better picture of your spend as it relates to sustainability.
The sustainability survey overview includes:
Statistics on supplier survey participation and completion status.
Access to suppliers answers to all the survey questions, including the uploaded documents.
Status of survey invitations sent to suppliers.
Summary of survey answers within your supplier network.
Overviews of your organizations sustainability spend.
Detailed account of your spend per sustainability sub-category.
Detailed account of your spend per supplier.
The first half of the Overview tab shows a dashboard with a summary of supplier survey participation and completion progress. The data shown include:
A half doughnut chart depicting the number of suppliers who have completed the survey and those who haven't based on the total number of suppliers in the organization’s network.
A stacked bar chart illustrating the survey progress based on the number of suppliers invited.
High level statistics showing:
Percentage of suppliers within the buyer organization’s network who have participated in the sustainability survey.
Total number of certificates and documents that have been uploaded by suppliers as part of the sustainability survey.
Number of positive actions taken towards sustainability based on answers from the sustainability survey.
Supplier Survey Completion Summary
The Supplier Survey Completion Summary tab, located below the Overview dashboard, shows a list of suppliers who completed the sustainability survey. It also provides access to supplier responses and the documents uploaded as part of the survey.
To view a specific suppliers' survey responses, click View Responses for the supplier in the Action column.
When the survey response opens, navigate through the tabs by clicking the navigation buttons on the bottom of the screen or the icons above the survey questions.
Supplier Survey Open Requests
The Supplier Survey Open Requests tab shows a list of sustainability survey invitations that you’ve sent and their completion status.
The options menu in the Actions column allows you to close the request as non-responsive, resend the request to the supplier, or view your communication history with the specific supplier.
Sustainability Survey Report
The Sustainability Survey Report sections shows a summary of the answers provided by suppliers in the sustainability survey. Each question can be expanded by clicking the arrow button. The Expand All button displays the reports for all the questions.
This report is broken down into the five tabs mirroring the five categories in the sustainability survey to gives you a snapshot of your supplier network’s answers to each of the survey questions.
It uses charts to demonstrate data such as:
The percentage of suppliers who chose Yes, No, or Prefer not to answer.
The percentage of suppliers who answered No and the percentage breakdown of their reasons for choosing that answer.
The percentage of suppliers who chose Prefer not to answer and the percentage breakdown of their reasons for choosing not to answer.
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