The Standard Report supplements what’s currently available in the Insight tab within your TealBook Buyer portal. You can find the current template at the end of this article.
It simplifies your internal, external and oversight reporting. From an operational perspective, it clarifies the necessary actions for maximizing your diversity spend for reaching established diversity goals.
You can request an updated Standard Report from your CSM.
Spend Summary
The SPEND SUMMARY tab displays an overview of your spend for each quarter of the selected year. To change the year you’d like to see, click the dropdown button next to ‘Fiscal Year’.
The ‘Certification Options’ dropdown button lets you choose whether to display All Diverse Spend, only Qualified Diverse Spend, or Potential Diverse Spend per quarter in the ‘Summary’ table.
The ‘Summary’ section displays the quarterly spend summary within the selected fiscal year including:
- Your total spend for each quarter.
- Your spend with suppliers who’ve been matched with TealBook supplier profiles.
- Your spend with qualified diverse suppliers.
When you choose Qualified in the ‘Certification Options’ dropdown, the amounts in the ‘Total Spend of Qualified Diverse($)’ row will show only your spend with suppliers who fall within the qualification rules that you’ve set on TealBook and whose certifications have not expired before the reporting period. All other spend with diverse suppliers that do not fall within your qualification rules can be displayed by selecting ‘All’.
This reporting package is generated based on the corporate qualification rules set on the app config tab of the admin. If the qualification rules are changed, it will not update the Standard Report package automatically—a new report will need to be generated. If you require a new report due to changing qualification rules, please contact your CSM. You can review your organization’s qualification rules by logging in to your TealBook Buyer portal and navigating to Insight>Diversity Report.
The ‘Summary’ table also shows quarterly counts of your supplier matching status on TealBook including:
- The total number of supplier IDs in your TealBook account.
- The number of supplier IDs matched with supplier profiles in TealBook.
- The number of supplier IDs that qualify as diverse, as set by your organization’s qualification rules.
Internal Reporting - TealBook Qualified
The ‘Internal Reporting’ table is a quarterly breakdown of your diverse spend per diversity category. It also displays the percentage of your total diverse spend towards each diversity category
Internal Reporting - Prioritized Qualified
To accommodate your spend with suppliers with multiple diversity certificates, we’ve created a report that applies your spend towards the diversity categories that you’d like to prioritize.
The ‘Prioritized Qualified’ report lets you choose which of your supplier’s diversity qualifications you’d like to apply your spend towards if your supplier qualifies for more than one.
The Summary table also shows quarterly counts of your supplier matching status on TealBook including:
The total number of supplier IDs in your TealBook account.
The number suppliers IDs that are matched with supplier profiles in TealBook.
The number of supplier IDs that qualify as diverse, as set by your organization’s qualification rules.
External Reporting
The ‘External’ table maps diversity categories to small business certification agencies with the goal of streamlining diversity reporting based on what your organization needs.
Certificate List
The ‘Cert List’ tab is a data sheet that shows a full list of your suppliers' diversity qualifications. If suppliers have more than one diversity certificate within a fiscal quarter, the ‘Cert List’ tab will display a row for each diversity certificate. The ‘TB Qualified’ column identifies the supplier’s qualification status—Qualified or Potential.
Vendor Master Enrich
The ‘VM Enrich’ tab is an enriched version of your Vendor Master. It takes your Vendor Master data and enriches it with diversity information. Your total spend towards each diverse supplier in each quarter is listed in the DIVERSE column and in either the QUALIFIED or POTENTIAL column, depending on the supplier’s diversity qualification status.
The diversity reports in the ‘SPEND SUMMARY’ tab are generated from data in this tab.
The ‘Insight-1’ tab lets you examine your diverse spend between two quarters. It provides a visual representation of your data including lost spend, new spend, and volume of your suppliers throughout the selected quarters.
To get started, enter the desired quarter range in the cells next to the FROM and TO boxes using the format YYYYQx (2022Q1 for the first fiscal quarter of 2022).
The ‘Delta Between Periods’ graph shows five data points based on the two quarters that you entered—FROM and TO:
- Diverse spend during the quarter entered in the FROM box. This bar is labeled with the quarter that you entered.
LOST: When comparing between two quarters - LOST represents the amount of ‘Diverse Qualified Spend’ with suppliers that you transacted with in the initial quarter ('From' quarter) and did not transact with in the following quarter ('To quarter).
Ex. Customer spent $100,000 with SupplierXYZ in Q1 and spent $0 with SupplierXYZ in Q2; LOST spend will be -$100,000. -
NEW: When comparing between two quarters - NEW represents the amount of ‘Diverse Qualified spend’ with suppliers that you transacted with in the following quarter ('To quarter) but did not transact with in the initial quarter ('From' quarter).
Ex. Customer spent $100,000 with SupplierXYZ in Q2 but did not transact with SupplierXYZ in Q1; NEW spend will be $100,000. -
VOLUME: When comparing between two quarters - VOLUME represents the difference in the amount of ‘Diverse Qualified spend’ of all the suppliers that you transacted with in both quarters.
Ex. Customer spent $100,000 with SupplierXYZ in Q1 and $150,000 in Q2; VOLUME spend will be $50,000
Ex. Customer spent $100,000 with SupplierXYZ in Q1 and $50,000 in Q2; VOLUME spend will be -$50,000. - Your total diverse spend during the quarter that you entered in the TO box. This bar is labeled with quarter that you entered.
The ‘Aggregate’ tab is a data sheet that provides a snapshot of spend in each quarter. It lists your aggregate spend amount per quarter with each supplier that has a unique supplier ID, as well as your total spend throughout all the quarters from the time your Vendor Master data is loaded into the TealBook platform.
‘Insight-2’ builds on the data in the Sum of Moving Average tab and displays a trend line of your spend. It is a visual comparison of your total spend vs diverse spend per quarter over time.
Sum of Moving Average
The ‘Sum of Moving Average’ tab lists your organization's spend moving average over time and includes the following data:
- Your total spend per quarter.
- Your total diverse spend per quarter.
- The moving average of your total spend from the time your data is loaded into TealBook until the specific quarter displayed in the same row in the Period column.*
- The moving average of your qualified spend from the time your data is loaded into TealBook until the specific quarter displayed in the same row in the Period column.*
- The rolling average percentage of your spend per period based on the moving average calculations. This is calculated by dividing your qualified spend moving average by your total spend moving average (Qualified/Total).
*The moving average starts from the fourth period that data is available. This is because at least three previous periods are required to start calculating the moving average.
Unmatched Supplier IDs
The ‘Unmatched Supplier IDs’ tab is a data sheet that lists supplier IDs that could not be mapped to a supplier profile on TealBook. Supplier mapping is based on supplier domain. When suppliers are not mapped, it can mean that their domain name could not be found. This may be because the supplier doesn't have a website or their organization is too small.
Your spend towards unmapped suppliers is not included in your spend reports. This tab provides a view into your supplier list and investigate why some suppliers are not mapped to their TealBook supplier profiles.
If you would like to add these suppliers to your spend reports, please contact customer support for help with correctly mapping unfound suppliers.
Duplicate Supplier IDs
The ‘Duplicate Supplier IDs’ tab displays a record of supplier IDs that have been mapped to the same supplier profiles on TealBook.
The tab provides an opportunity to confirm whether these suppliers are indeed duplicates or if they are suppliers in different locations or business units and simply operate under the same umbrella and therefore share the same domain name.
Supplier with Risks
The ‘Supplier with Risks’ tab shows a list of suppliers whose domains are not functioning properly. The risk for each supplier is listed in the Risk tab and may include inactive domain, flagged country, or the company’s domain is for sale. The ‘Inactive Reason’ tab provides additional information on the risk listed for each supplier.
For questions or to request a new/updated Standard Report, please reach out to your Customer Success Manager or our Customer Support team.
Effective January 2nd 2025, our Support Team will be available to assist you during the following hours:
9:00 AM to 9:00 PM, Monday to Friday
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